+34 96 287 69 60 info@derbos.com

Derbós Product


Strengthen your defenses even further.

The Normodigest (Classic, Capsule or Junior) with probiotics and prebiotics, provides nutrients that contribute to the stability and balance of the intestinal flora, which impacts our good health.

The intestinal flora is very vulnerable to various factors, so its optimal habitat conditions are deteriorated with the consequent reduction of its biological capacity. Antibiotic treatments, stress, many medications, various infections, age, climate, liver and kidney diseases, or an incorrect diet are factors that alter this symbiotic balance between lactic bacteria and humans, which allows the proliferation of bacteria that are harmful to our species, as many of them are pathogenic species.

Thus, probiotics and prebiotics act as a modulator of our intestinal flora, either acting as an ally to preserve its good condition or correcting alterations in it, whatever their etiology, and therefore helping to maintain our natural balance and contributing to guaranteeing our good state of health.


10 and 20 symbiotic vials

15 gastro-resistant functional and bioactive probiotic strains.

7.500 billion colony-forming units (cfu) per vial. Normodigest Classic It is a symbiotic, since it provides probiotics and prebiotics in the same product, in order to guarantee the use and subsequent development of beneficial bacteria in our body. The effectiveness of the range Normodigest has been corroborated by a study carried out in a dynamic digester and presented at the Congress of the Spanish Society of Pro and Prebiotics (SEPyP) where it has been established that it contributes positively to the quantitative and qualitative development of the microbiota. Guarantee the correct development of your intestinal flora with Normodigest Classic.


45 symbiotic capsules

11 gastro-resistant functional and bioactive probiotic strains.

6.000 billion colony forming units (cfu) per capsule. All the guarantees of effectiveness in intestinal health are reflected in this easy-to-ingest symbiotic that provides Inulin obtained from organic Jerusalem artichoke as a prebiotic. 1 or 2 capsules daily help maintain the balance of the intestinal flora.


10 and 20 symbiotic vials with “Saccharomyces boulardii” included

12 gastro-resistant functional and bioactive probiotic strains.

6.000 billion colony-forming units (cfu) per vial. Bacterial flora changes with age, and that is why a specific symbiotic has been developed for the little ones in the house. Not only does it provide the probiotics and prebiotics necessary at these ages, but it has also been formulated with a 100% natural Low Glycemic Index Fresh Fruit Syrup, in order to provide all the energy they need. Don't gamble with the health of the big men and women of the future and guarantee them a correct development with Normodigest Junior.